Bryce Kaw-uh for
Ward 1 Alderman

Building a Manchester for all

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About Bryce

Energized | Involved | Committed

Hey there! My name is Bryce Kaw-uh (pronounced cow-woo) and I'm running for Alderman here in Ward 1.

Our city deserves bold, forward-looking leadership as we navigate the road ahead. I believe we can provide all Manchester residents with a high quality of life so long as we choose to act on our incredible potential.

In my time as Chair of the Manchester Planning Board, I have seen some of that great potential actually turn into our city's reality, piece by exciting piece. Manchester is undergoing its latest in a series of transformations. There's a lot going in the right direction, and also a lot more we need to do.

Ward 1 ought to have a strong voice on the Board of Mayor & Aldermen, and I have a strong record of speaking out. I've stood up twice (1, 2) for LGBTQ+ students at the Board of School Committee, testified at the State House about the housing crisis, and directly asked the BMA on multiple occasions (most recently 1, 2, 3) to take action on other important issues facing Manchester residents. I've also written a few op-eds in the Manchester Ink Link to take the case for regional passenger rail and community power aggregation directly to the people.

I'm ready to bring this perspective and experience to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen — but I need your help! Please read a bit more about who I am and what I stand for. And when you're done, consider joining me in this effort so that we can build a better Manchester together.

(Click here to skip directly to my priorities or here to donate to the campaign.)

Photo of Bryce Kaw-uh

A little more about me

I grew up a military brat, moving to a different state or country every 2 to 3 years for my father's job in the Air Force. For the past 6 years I've lived here in Manchester, renting for a year on Elm Street before becoming a homeowner in the North End with my partner Harrison who's a Manchester native. We share our home with our lovely 4-year-old adopted golden retriever named Kodak who moved to the Queen City just a few months before the pandemic began.

I have a science and engineering background with a Bachelor's in Computer Science and International & Global Studies from WPI down in Worcester. I got my professional start working for BAE Systems, completed their Engineering Leadership Development Program, earned my Master's in Systems Engineering, and am now working as a Senior Software Engineer for Fidelity Investments.

While living here in Manchester, I've gotten increasingly involved in the community. I currently serve as Chair of the Planning Board and have been on the Board for over 3 years total. I love this city and can see its immense potential. I also see the work that we need to put in if we want to turn that potential into our reality.

That's why I'm running: To use what I've learned and get to work making this place better for all of us. Improving our transportation infrastructure, building more affordable housing, and addressing the mental health and energy crises are all necessary and interrelated efforts. We need leaders who are willing to take bold actions in order to build a better Manchester for every one of us who calls this city our home.

Photo of Bryce Kaw-uh and his golden retriever Kodak


The challenges that Manchester faces are interrelated — and so are the opportunities that we have to address them. Our city deserves leaders who will take a holistic approach to problem solving. We also need leaders willing to embrace the change required to build a better future.

Housing Abundance

At this point, everybody can see that there's a serious housing shortage here in Manchester. We're all feeling the crunch in one way or another and know folks firsthand who have been negatively impacted. I want to flip the script and achieve housing abundance in our community, while also preserving important features that make neighborhoods like those in Ward 1 so great.

As your Alderman, I'll take an all-of-the-above approach to building more homes of all kinds so that more people can live in the type of housing that's right for them and their families. This includes supporting new mixed-use development and office space conversions that deliver a more walkable and livable urban core. I'll also work to expand legitimately affordable housing opportunities by investing a greater share of city funds into the existing but under-utilized Affordable Housing Trust.

Accessible Infrastructure

Transportation is a huge part of our daily lives. Everyone's got somewhere to be. And whether we walk, roll, bike, drive, or take the bus, we all deserve to get to our destination safely and efficiently.

I will continue to be a strong voice for improving the connectivity of our city. We need to better maintain our streets; expand our fledgling bike lane network; improve pedestrian connections to the Millyard and across the Merrimack; finish our part of the state rail trail network; embrace regional rail service; increase the frequency of public transit; and so much more. There's a lot to accomplish and I will push to get it done, for the benefit of everyone in Ward 1 and beyond.

Sustainable Development

As Manchester grows, we must ensure we do our part to protect our local environment and the global climate. There are many ways we can do this and even help lead the state. A few are listed below.

One priority of mine is to help Manchester join the growing community power movement which can lower electricity costs for Ward 1 residents and small businesses alike. I will also promote installing solar panels on city-owned rooftops to take advantage of long-term cost savings. Additionally, I will advocate for the creation of a revolving loan fund aimed at making solar panels and energy-saving heat pumps more accessible to low- and middle-income families. On top of this, I will push to electrify our city fleets and install EV chargers in municipal parking lots. This will help keep our air cleaner and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

Public Health & Safety

Manchester has a proud history of reimagining public safety as an extension of public health. The recently retired Safe Station program is one great example. Our neighbors who struggle with homelessness or substance use disorder need social support, not criminalization. The way out of these overlapping crises is to expand the range of housing assistance, substance abuse treatment opportunities, and mental health services available to those who need it most in our community. And as your Alderman, that's what I'll strive to do.

Public health and safety also includes redesigning our built environment. Kids should be able to walk to school without their parents or guardians having to worry if they'll make it there safely. Adults should be free to bike to Ben & Jerry's or the Puritan Backroom for some ice cream without having to share a lane with two-ton vehicles. And those of us who drive — myself included! — deserve to navigate a road network that makes sense and doesn't add more stress to our day.

Outdoor Spaces

I am a huge proponent of "third places" such as public parks, trails, and plazas. These places serve an essential purpose in society by helping us foster connections with each other and with nature.

If elected to serve Ward 1 as your Alderman, I will work to negotiate a rail-with-trail extension of the Granite State Rail Trail through the North End. I also plan to pursue the creation of protected multi-use paths for pedestrians and bicyclists along the major arteries of Ward 1 such as Hooksett Road and River Road. Last but certainly not least, I will advocate for the expansion of Arms Park and the creation of a River Islands Park near the Amoskeag Falls so we all can enjoy the bountiful natural beauty found at the heart of our city.

Community Engagement

I'd love to connect with you and our other neighbors in Ward 1. Hearing your perspective will help me make more informed decisions about our shared future. I promise to listen to your genuine feedback and let it guide my actions as Alderman.

I also want to offer my help with navigating the city government whenever you encounter an issue. In my view, offering constituent services is one of the most important things an elected representative can do. Even local government can be complex and confusing at times! I'm ready to offer my time and energy to help you work through anything that you want to bring to my attention regarding either our Ward or the city at large. So please don't hesitate to reach out using my contact form listed at the bottom of this webpage.


I deeply appreciate the support I've received thus far from community members and nonprofit advocacy groups, including those shown below:

Bryce is 100% committed to Manchester – to continuing the progress of restoring a vibrant downtown, to improving the schools, to further reducing crime, and to tackling the housing and homelessness issues confronting our City. He is an extraordinarily hard worker, digging into the facts and listening to all points of view. He will hear your voice and concern, and seek solutions for the common good. He is Manchester proud and will make us proud of the City we all call home.

Chris & Tom Stevens

Community Volunteers & Next-Door Neighbors

During the time I have come to know Bryce, I am convinced Manchester will flourish and achieve amazing results, provided he has a seat at the table. Most important is his belief in including everyone in these conversations and working to improve the overall quality of life. I fully support his candidacy for Ward 1 Alderman and look forward to what the future has in store for our community!

Christine Seibert

State Representative, Ward 1

Bryce Kaw-uh is an informed and involved resident of Ward 1. My work with Bryce as the Chair of the Planning Board where he remains focused on the public's trust is a welcomed experience. I appreciate his advice in not only Manchester advancements but also with State matters. I'm pleased in endorsing Bryce for Ward 1 Alderman and thank him for his commitment to Manchester.

Pat Long

Alderman, Ward 3

I've gotten to know Bryce as Chair of the Planning Board. He is professional, diligent, and incredibly knowledgeable. On several occasions I've relied on him to assist me in navigating the city's complex Code of Ordinances, the 10-year Master Plan, and more generally for broader city issues that are impacted by planning. He's truly impressed me and I look forward to expanding our partnership and collaboration as fellow board members.

Christine Fajardo

Alderman, Ward 4

Bryce Kaw-uh's exceptional initiative and meticulous attention to detail, paired with his deep understanding of local issues, have made him a standout leader as Chair of the Planning Board. As someone who's worked closely with him, I am proud to endorse him as Alderman for Ward 1 and confident that his strong leadership skills will be a significant asset to our city and its residents.

Sean Sargent

Vice Chair, Manchester Planning Board

Bryce Kaw-uh is a bright, energetic young man who is socially conscious and puts the community's interests over his own. Bryce is the hope and future of Manchester.

David Preece

State Representative, Ward 2

Bryce is a dedicated advocate for urban planning and community development with a strong background in technical expertise. With a passion for improving the city's transportation infrastructure, addressing the housing crisis, and tackling mental health and energy challenges, he is committed to making a positive impact in Manchester.

Run For Something

National Nonprofit Organization

We're on a mission to elect more scientists to Congress, state legislatures, and local offices. As trained problem-solvers, STEM professionals are ready, willing, and able to find solutions for the significant challenges facing America in the 21st century.

314 Action

National Nonprofit Organization

LGBTQ+ Victory Fund works to elect pro-choice, pro-equality candidates who are out members of the LGBTQ+ community to public office. Victory Fund rigorously reviews applications from around the country and we only endorse and support candidates we know can win.

LGBTQ+ Victory Fund

National Nonprofit Organization

Our mission is to build a movement of young people to transform our political system so it serves and is led by the people it has left behind. We are creating the conditions for a new generation of leaders who share our vision of the world.

NH Youth Movement

Statewide Nonprofit Organization

Get Involved

Want a yard sign? Interested in knocking on doors? Want to help out some other way or get more info first? Let me know and we'll make it happen!


Got something to say? I'd love to hear from you.

Please feel free to send me your thoughts about the city, any questions you might have about our local government, or any ideas you want to share about how we can make Manchester an even better place to call home.